$conn.CursorLocation = $adUseClient SERVER-SIDE NOT RECCOMENDED Using a local database and the crystal reports application $oCRViewer.EnableRefreshButton = True ADO RECORDSET WILL NOT CHANGE, NOT NEEDED $oCRViewer.EnableDrillDown = True REPORT DOES NOT SUPPORT DRILL-DOWN $oCRViewer.DisplayTabs = True THIS REPORT DOES NOT DRILL DOWN, NOT NEEDED $oCRViewer.DisplayBorder = False MAKES REPORT FILL ENTIRE FORM $oCRViewerEvt = ObjEvent($oCRViewer,'CRViewerEvent_') Catch events from the control $oCRViewer = ObjCreate('CRViewer.CRViewer') Create a Crystal Reports Viewer control
expand the cab and run regsvr32.exe on the file crviewer.dll $oMyError = ObjEvent('AutoIt.Error','MyErrFunc') The Crystal Reports ActiveX viewer is a component from the Crystal Reports suite and can not be obtained separately THIS EXAMPLE REQUIRES THE CRYSTAL REPORTS ACTIVEX VIEWER CONTROL V8.0 or higher !! Embedding an Crystal Reports Viewer control inside an AutoIt GUI